It all started about 20 years ago! The Lord sends special friends at “just the right time” and that was the case so many years ago, when Pastor Jerry Doellinger was pastor at the congregation of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Newton, Iowa! Pastor Doellinger said, “Gary, you can come and report at our congregation!”…..and that was the beginning of all of these years of a special Christian Friendship!
Pastor Doellinger was called to serve for years at Concordia Lutheran Church at Cedar Rapids, Iowa and then to help serve at St. Paul Lutheran Church at Marion, Iowa! Just last year he and his dear wife Jan, noticed that something was NOT RIGHT WITH HIS HEALTH. Then they found out that Pastor was losing the function of his kidneys, and that it was so, so, so serious. Yes, it could have been terminal, but the Lord was ready to show Pastor that HE STILL HAD WORK FOR HIM TO DO….HE WAS GOING TO PROVIDE A REAL MIRACLE FOR PASTOR DOELLINGER! A young lady was found to be a willing donor, and the kidney was a REAL MIRACLE MATCH…the kidney started to function immediately, and then everyone realized that our Jesus provided absolute proof that HE had more work for Rev. Doellinger to do for HIS kingdom work.
This past Sunday Rev. Doellinger provided all the liturgy for both services at St. Paul in Marion, Iowa and was able to continue HIS work for Jesus! What a JOY to be with Pastor and Jan. Here you see this miracle couple in their home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. GOD IS STILL PROVIDING MIRACLES…WE JUST DON’T HEAR ABOUT THEM…NOW YOU DO!