


Ordination in Lokpano 


This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.  – 1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Dear Friends and Supporters in Christ.

On a very hot Saturday morning in November the people of the village of Lokpano, Togo began to make their way to the local school to attend a special church service that marks an important day in the history of the Lutheran church in this community.  

This month’s newsletter covers the ordination day of a new pastor in the Lutheran Church of Togo. 

LCMS missionary work and projects help support the churches in Africa to share Jesus and His love for those in need. This work is only possible because of the generosity of countless believers.  If you haven’t already, won’t you consider making an annual pledge or a tax-deductible gift online?  Please click  HERE to be directed to the LCMS online giving page.  

You may also give via Mission Central by downloading the Adoption Agreement Form.   

Thank you for your continued prayers and support of this ministry.  

       In Christ,
                 Missionary Pastor Jacob Gaugert


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