Thursday the 1st of August was a special day. We were able to welcome Jocelyn Worthington and her two daughters and her son-in-laws, as they came from Nebraska, Colorado and Washington for a special tour and visit to this MIRACLE PLACE!
What a JOY to have them spend time here, and for the daughters and their husbands to see Mission Central for the very first time. Jocelyn is the daughter of Pastor Ansorge, who was the pastor at Immanuel at Spirit Lake for many years, and what a JOY that his family is so interested in the mission work of our church. Jocelyn’s brother and sister-in-law, Bob and Barb Ansorge live in Storm Lake, Iowa and they are special friends of ours also.
Here you see these dear friends in Gary’s Office with our Boss in the background. It was a special day that we will long, long remember!