Only truly NOT NORMAL people would drive hours and hours all the way from Woodbury, Minnesota, staying overnight at Ida Grove, Iowa, and then spend the day in the middle of nowhere in the hills of Western Iowa at a place called MISSION CENTRAL!
That’s the only kind of people that come here to Mission Central….NOT NORMAL PEOPLE. Normal people don’t come here….people who live 2 miles away wouldn’t come here, but God sends people here…HIS PEOPLE…who are “in the world but not of the world”.
Here you see this group of NOT NORMAL people in front of our Mission Central sign. They enjoyed their time here, and were able to see and hear the report of Rev. Walter and Robyn Steele going to Kenya, and also to pray for them and help send them to East Africa.
Veteran Missionary Rev. James Vehling and his dear wife Jane organized the trip and led the group here. Pastor Vehling and Jane served the Lord Jesus faithfully for 20 years in Japan.