Our Family Grows!
Greetings in the name of our Gracious Lord,
We want to give you all a quick, but important and exciting update.
After several regular check up with our doctor (whom we really like!) everything with Kali’s pregnancy is going well and the doctor says we are ready for the birth! So, Kali is scheduled to give birth to our third child on Monday, August 26th! We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our new family member. Please keep Kali and the baby in your prayers. For most of you it will be Sunday night when the child arrives. Could you please request prayers in your worship services on Sunday morning? We so appreciate all the prayers and encouragement we receive from you all! Stay tuned for more news about gender, name, and most importantly baptism!
The expansion of our family also initiates a somewhat complicated process of registration, citizenship confirmation, and passport application. Please keep these things in prayer also.
Again, thank you for all your support!
In Christ
The Wood Family.