Ramirez – Dominican Republic – September 2019
Ramirez Family Personal Update
In September our little man turned one! Its hard to believe that a whole year has already passed by so quickly. We praise the Lord for the gift that He has given us, so many smiles, and such joy this past year. We pray that he continues to strengthen and guide us that we may be the best parents possible raising Abraham to know and love His Savior. We also praise the Lord this month because we have found a nanny for Abraham! This will be a huge help in allowing Caitlin to focus more on work knowing that Abraham is well taken care of and safe. Thank you for all your prayers for us in this topic.

Faculty and Residencial students
2019-2020 academic year at Concordia El Reformador Seminary.
BACK TO SCHOOL at the Seminary
With the opening of the new school year at the seminary we have welcomed new students into our midst. This year we have one Vicar in residence, two second year students and six new first year students. They come from five countries through out Latin America. Jeancarlos is now in his second year of studies and he is considered one of the experienced students. He has been given the task of mentoring and guiding the new students. We pray for wisdom and patience for him in this task. Deaconess classes also continue; Caitlin has seven students currently. We rejoice that the group has completed the first course Diaconal Identity and will move on to the second course in the program. Thank you for all your prayers for these ladies. We ask that you continue to pray for all the students, diaconal and pastoral that the Lord guide and encourage them in their studies.

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