We are now in our 13th year of caring for our six residents in the group home in the Dominican Republic! They are no longer children, rather young adults!
In 2011 we started the home taking in 6 orphaned kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities who lived in the government institution.
We are thankful to the Lord for His care and provision over the years.
The Easter art in the picture above was created by the residents. Moises colored the tomb, Junior colored the letters and sun, Francis painted the grass, Ramona glued the sun rays and colored the flowers pink, Randy painted the crosses, and Estefani wrote the Easter greeting which reads, “Christ is Risen!, With love…”
Deaconess Danelle Putnam Schumann
Missionary in the Dominican Republic
Moises, who has cerebral palsy, has grown into a loving and helpful young man. Even though his speech is not understandable, he prays out loud before each meal and prays for others. He folds his hands and talks with God who hears his intercession on behalf of others and says an audible “Amen” when finished. He loves to spend time outside. In particular, he likes greeting people who come to Concordia Lutheran School, the church, and our seminary, which are next to the group home. If you come to visit, you will be welcomed by Moises and Junior.
Ramona keeps busy helping around the house and keeping tabs on her house mates. She continues to love music and to dance. She is quite a fashionista!
She always chooses to wear cute dresses and always, always, always carries a purse where she keeps her many treasures.
She has an infectious laugh and is very caring towards others.
Junior Junior just turned 24 years old this February! He is a kind and gentle soul. He has a great sense of humor and loves to laugh with others. Attending church continues to be one of his favorite activities. He is reverent, attentive, and loves to be with his pastor, the seminary students, and other church members. Junior loves to be where the action is. He likes to assist others with their tasks and never fails to give a boost of encouragement. Junior is a good friend to all.
Estefani Estefani just turned 25 years old this past January!
Each day she is becoming more confident in who she is.
This manifests itself in kindness and concern for others.
Estefani attends school for adults on Saturdays where she is in the 9th grade.
We are working on helping her make goals for herself towards a more independent life. She has been able to make good friends that she is in touch with daily.
Randy Randy, who has autism, is one of two of the residents who are verbal.
Randy likes to chat with his caregivers and housemates. He also likes to sit out on the main street and say hello and talk with the neighbors and people going by who enjoy interacting with him. He is diligent with his household chores and is particularly helpful to his roommate, Junior, who needs assistance with some of his daily tasks. He is kind and caring toward everyone!
Francis Francis continues to study at the Santiago School for the Deaf. He is fun-loving, loves to joke around, and has many friends. Francis is now the official acolyte at church! He was given training and instruction on how to reverently light and extinguish the candles. He even has a white acolyte robe! It is a job which he takes immense pride in. He also asks for prayer at every worship service for his caregivers. It is wonderful that he can serve others and his church in this way!
Because the group home residents know the love of God and are a part of His family, they can love. Because they are God’s children through baptism and hear the saving Gospel of Jesus, they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to put on full display the wonders of His great love!
Please pray that this Christ-centered care for the residents continues. Thank you!