Pastor’s Update
From Rev. Obot Ite
The work of the ministry is progressing by the grace of God in Jamaica through our… outreach effort… in Kingston areas and Bois Content, St. Catherine. With the adoption of Parade Gardens Lutheran Preschool, we are grateful to God for expanding our ministry to the residents of Parade Gardens, who may not have had direct contact with us and the church. We are still in the process of building relationship while planting seeds of the Gospel. We are trusting God for a bountiful harvest as His Word grows among the people of Jamaica. We introduced a special evangelism course for both congregations and are working on inspiring every member to engage in witnessing. A young man from Bois Content Mission indicated interest to be trained as an evangelist. It is our plan to revisit a weekly Bible Study at St. Andrew’s congregation, implement and sustain a monthly Prayer Service as had been happening at Faith’s over the years. The weekly Sunday programme at Faith’s is ongoing, and we intend to extend our materials and supplies to the preschool. |