
Friends from Omaha and Council Bluffs come to Mission Central

It was a wonderful Sunday afternoon on August 19th, 2018, when the Lord sent members from Faith Lutheran Church in Council Bluffs, Iowa and special friends from Omaha.

Yes, Pastor Ron Rosenkaimer and his dear wife Maureen and their son and members of their congregation came from Council Bluffs, and also our dear friends Bart and Maggie came from Omaha.

What a blessing to have them tour the facilities here at Mission Central and to see the Lord’s Creation Theater and the Barn Museum, as well as the little Wayside Prayer Chapel and the offices.  It was indeed a special day for this special group of NOT NORMAL people.

Here you see this group in the barn and what a blessing to have them come and see…not what we have done, but what the Lord has done at this MIRACLE PLACE!