
Field Notes from Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, LCMS missionaries

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Greetings in Christ. Please find our latest Field Notes below, view this email in your browser, or download a printable version (PDF) from our Thank you for your support of God’s amazing work in Eastern and Southern Africa.
-Shauen, Krista, Josiah, Elijah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah – your missionaries



Writing from Tampa, Florida


July 25, 2019



Shauen Addresses the 2019 LCMS National Convention


Rev. Shauen Trump shares a story from Mozambique at the Convention
(photo courtesy LCMS Communications Dept /
Frank Kohn)

Yesterday Shauen was privileged to address the 2019 LCMS National Convention. The live-feed video from the convention is archived through the LCMS Convention website (see Wednesday’s afternoon video) or linked through our own website at The introductory video about Mozambique (about 90 seconds) is followed by Shauen’s presentation to the ~1,050 voting delegates and ~200 advisors and observers of the Convention. There is a concluding video about Mozambique as well, after which the business of the LCMS convention continues, starting with a resolution celebrating the LCMS’s work in Africa and recognizing its missionaries, their families, and directors, Rev. Gary Schulte and Rev. Shauen Trump, adopted by the convention unanimously, moving on to other international mission resolutions around minute 17:30. Please take a look through the preview below!


Video of Shauen Presenting at the LCMS Convention
followed by ongoing convention proceedings

Immediately after Shauen’s presentation (including videos), Standing Floor Committee 2, International Mission, presented the following resolution to the convention which was adopted unanimously:

To Give Thanks to God for the Work
of the Office of International Mission in the Africa Region

WHEREAS, The Great Commission of Matthew 28 has been and will until the Last Day remain the heart of the Church’s mission, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations; and

WHEREAS, In 1928 Jonathan Ekong came to the United States seeking a church that would teach the Word of God in its purity and also help establish good schools in Nigeria; and

WHEREAS, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is active in 25 African nations, working with seven partner churches, 29 full-time missionaries deployed by the Office of International Mission (OIM) with 46 accompanying family members; and

WHEREAS, The OIM has deployed five mercy medical teams in fiscal year 2019, engaging in both wellness and general health awareness as well as spiritual care; and

WHEREAS, The African region of the OIM has partnered with LCMS congregations to send short-term teams to Africa resulting in long-term relationships; and

WHEREAS, Numerous African church bodies, both English- and French-speaking, have requested fellowship with the LCMS; and

WHEREAS, Theological education remains a priority in the Africa region through numerous seminaries and Bible institutes for pastoral, deaconess and evangelist formation; and

WHEREAS, The LCMS has worked for many years to create theological literature and hymnals in multiple countries and languages; and

WHEREAS, The OIM is dedicated to spreading the Gospel far and wide and planting churches by the leading of the Holy Spirit in His Word; therefore be it

Resolved, That Synod commend the OIM for its continued work in the Africa region; and be it further

Resolved, That Synod in convention give thanks to God for the Africa region missionaries, their families, supporters, and the region’s directors Rev. Gary Schulte and Rev. Shauen Trump.


Rev. Shauen Trump shares a story from Mozambique at the Convention
(photo courtesy LCMS Communications Dept / Erik M. Lunsford)

Photos in Focus



Prayer Requests

For the Trump boys as Josiah, Elijah, and Isaiah start a new school year

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church

For a safe and uneventful return to Kenya next week at the conclusion of our summer home-service in the USA

For the travels Shauen expects in August and September to Angola, South Africa, Uganda, and other countries


In Praise

For the opportunity for Shauen to address the LCMS National Convention

For the LCMS in convention recognizing and thanking God for the church’s work in Africa and her missionaries and their families

For safety as our summer home-service draws to a close

For recovery from sickness that Shauen struggled with for the first 2/3rds of our home service

For healthy, safe, and thriving children



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The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861



Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034





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Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA




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