Where are the Ferrys?
It’s summertime 2020, which would normally mean the Ferry Family would be knocking on your church’s door, eager to visit and catch up with you. There are so many things to share, with the wonderful ways in which the Lord Jesus has blessed our partnership over the last two years.
Unfortunately, these strange days have caught us, and are keeping us apart this year. Flights between Asia and the USA are very hard to find, and so many of our churches and groups are simply not meeting yet as we navigate these pandemic waters.
Our family was talking this week, and realizing that we won’t get back to the US this year after all. The kids had a range of reactions to this, but everyone was adamant that we want to communicate with you and share our continuing gratitude for your ongoing support, trust, and love.
The kids put together this brief video for all of you. It certainly won’t win any Oscar awards, but it gets across the point they intended. We pray that especially in these strange and uncertain days, you are given great opportunities to share the sure and certain hope given to us by Jesus. Click on the video above or click here to see their ~2 minute video.
God bless and keep you all, dear friends and co-workers, for the sake of the living and active Word of our Lord Jesus.
Yours in His Name, The Ferry Family
Caleb (almost 15); Caitlin (almost 11); Carissa (8); Cassandra (6); Chloe (4); and Charlotte (2)… and parents Charles and Cheryl