
October 21, 2019
Dear Partners in Mission,
Greetings from Ghana, West Africa!
A Family Story
Years ago, Joyce and I packed our missionary barrels, said ‘good-bye’ to our parents and left for Africa. Among the things we packed was a car seat, cloth diapers and other baby items for the family we dreamed of having one day.
During the years that we lived in Bashwoo among the Bokyi people in Southeastern Nigeria, The Lord blessed us with Luke, Jonathan and Naomi who grew up in the midst of our busy missionary lives.

A 2019 Update
In May, Luke completed his studies at the University of Minnesota with a PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Biophysics. Luke is presently doing "Post-Doc" work at the U of MN.
Throughout 2019, Jonathan has been developing "United Lawn Care and Snow Removal." They served 100+ addresses in the Twin Cities this summer. He also finished a degree in Exercise Science at Concordia St. Paul.
Standing with Jonathan is a special young lady, Jackie Lindfors. 
On August 7, Michael Ersland proposed to Naomi
 Naomi and Michael met in college at Concordia Wisconsin.
Presently, Naomi is an Occupational Therapist in Topeka, KS. Michael is a missionary with Lutheran Bible Translators.
Joyce and I are looking forward to their December 28 wedding in Overland Park, KS.
In 2020, Naomi and Michael will return to Northern Ghana where Michael is translating the Old Testament into the Komba language.
* For more about Naomi and Michael, see Michael’s recent LBT newsletter, it’s attached! *
By the way, when we are in the USA for the wedding, we will also have a couple of months to visit supporting congregations – we are really looking forward to our time with family and with you! God be with you!
Thank for all of your prayers over all the years!
We rejoice in all of God’s great blessings!
David and Joyce
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod · 1333 S. Kirkwood Road · St. Louis, MO 63122-7295 · USA


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