
Chile Mission

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  In the past 4 years the Chilean church has almost doubled in
size from 5 churches to 9. A new church plant in Santiago is
currently building a sanctuary and working towards putting
a school for people with disabilities on the same property.
Santiago itself is a city of over 6 million people, and multiple
other opportunities exist for planting even more churches
there. More church workers are needed.
Four years ago, a tsunami in southern Chile hit the coast
with devastating effects, and Lutheran World Relief
responded. This led to pleas from local residents that we
would send workers. Today, Pastor Omar Kinas has planted
two churches in the communities of Talca and Constitucion.
In both of these church plants a community centre serves
people in a variety of fashions such as language classes,
crafts and of course with the Gospel and the Lord’s gifts.
In Valparaiso a fire in the hills burned down 10,000 homes
over a two day period. Thousands of people were instantly
homeless. A new local Lutheran church and its community
center gathered foodstuffs, assisted in local soup kitchens
and had its pastor visit on a daily basis. A community center
is serving the community and a church plant was dedicated
in December 2017. A local pastor and deacon are serving this
needy population that has lost everything, but found that in
Jesus there is a certain anchor.
Your support helps to assist the Lutheran Church in
Chile in providing church workers resources as God causes the growth.