Herzliche Grüße aus Dresden!
Our time in Germany has been a blessing to both refugees and us. We see clearly that some of our refugee friends have given up everything to follow Christ unlike the Rich Young Man (Matthew 19: 16-23). Each week we study a chapter in Matthew and each week there is a very important take-away lesson. The willingness of some refugees to give up everything for their Christian beliefs was our “take-away lesson” for the week.
We are preparing for our second Christmas (Weihnachten) with our refugees. Please join our Christmas celebration: Send Christmas cards to our refugees at Weststr 1, 01157 Dresden, Germany. Please have them arrive by December 1st. We have over 100 refugees in Chemnitz and Dresden. We are about a month out from when we hope to receive cards and gifts from America. Some of you have asked for more specifics and we will send out a list of children and ages later this week. We will also send names to address letters to make more personal.
Enjoy our newsletter and share with your family and friends.
Gott segne dich, God bless you!
Dein Bruder und deine Schwester in Christus!
Carl & Karen
Carl & Karen Cecil
+0-703-585-9651 (WhatsApp)
German Handy 049-176-7312-6284
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