Dear Friend,
Joyous 12 Days of Christmas to All.
We rejoice in the 12-day celebration of Christmas from December 25 to January 5 in absolute awe of the GIFT of grace that came down from heaven! May the saving message of hope in Christ alone shine brightly in the New Year for our refugee friends & supporters from around the world.
Thank you for your generous consideration our year-end funding goal of $8000: Please consider donating $100 or more to our Mission ASAP. Please use www.LCMS.org/GiveNow/CECIL or mail check directly to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Check Memo: CECIL in Germany).
Gott segne dich, God bless you in the New Year!
Dein Bruder und deine Schwester in Christus!
Carl & Karen
Carl & Karen Cecil
+0-703-585-9651 (WhatsApp)
German Handy 049-176-7312-6284
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