
Approximately 100 people attend annual meeting at Mission Central

It was such a blessing and JOY to again provide a special meal and special meeting for the 103 Volunteer Staff members of the Lord’s Mission Central located in the hills of Western Iowa!

July 14th, 2018 will be a day we will all long, long remember!  God brought together HIS SPECIAL NOT NORMAL VOLUNTEERS that so faithfully serve the Lord Jesus at HIS Mission Central.

On this special Saturday, God brought together HIS people who all work for NO PAY…AND DON’T HAVE A “JOB”…THEY HAVE A REAL CALLING!!.  They serve because they love the Lord Jesus.  We could NOT carry out the Lord’s work without the help of these dear volunteers and NOT ONE OF THEM GET PAID A PENNY OF THE WORLD’S MONEY FOR THEIR WORK!

This year, once again this group gathers to hear how they were a part of another MIRACLE YEAR, where God blessed Mission Central with the “most blessed” year in the 24 years that God has been blessing the work of HIS MIRACLE PLACE CALLED MISSION CENTRAL!

This year was most unique, in that many of the volunteers had not had the privilege of seeing the new building that God provided for us called, “The Lord’s Creation Theater”.  Here you see this AMAZING group of volunteers in the new Lord’s Creation Theater.  They filled the entire building, and enjoyed hearing what God did on the 6th day of Creation, when he made man and all the animals.

Only God could have arranged and provided this amazing display of the animals that God made on the 6th day of HIS creation…and God called the Schardt Family from Nebraska at “just the right time” to provide these animals that ALL can see that help to tell the Lord’s powerful story of the 6th day of HIS creation.

It truly was a day we will never, never forget.