

At just the right time, the Lord blesses us here at HIS Mission Central.  Sometime ago, Old Missionary Gary received a special e-mail from Veteran Missionaries, Rev. Paul and Joy Mueller.  In the e-mail a wonderful question was presented….”Would you be interested in our artifacts from when we served the Lord Jesus in Africa?”  What a real JOY to say, “YES, YES, YES!”  The Muellers served Jesus for 9 years in Liberia and East Africa.  They had some WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL items that we did not have in our Africa Museum in the Barn.

These items arrived today and what a blessing!  It was just like Christmas here and all afternoon, what a JOY to place these new items in the Lord’s collection in our Barn Museum.  Thousands of people will enjoy seeing these unusual items, that reflect so clearly whey we need to have missionaries sent to these lands of darkness!!

The attached pictures how just some of the items that were sent, and what a blessing they will be.  God works in amazing ways….on Saturday the 22nd of June, we will have buses and groups from Austin, Minnesota and Kansas that will be coming.  Just in time to see these new items.  However, the best news is the fact that included in this “shipment of love” from the Mueller Family were clothing items, and on Tuesday the 25th of June we will have a wonderful group of young people and adults from their VBS at Wakefield, Nebraska coming and we will dress each of the students up in those clothes from Africa.  We will have some special hats for them to wear also, so that they know what the people of Africa wear!

What a blessing to have these new items!  God always sends the right people at the right time to help with HIS work!  Take a look at the attached pictures to see some of the items!