
A new light shines at Mission Central


During one of our wind filled Spring days here at the Lord’s Mission Central, the old yard light was actually blown off the pole that held that light for so many years!

What could we do, and who could climb the pole to put a new light up?  We found that the pole was too high for a ladder, and we just had to have someone with one of those “buckets” on special truck.

God sent our Volunteers to help once again!  Yes, Darwin and Sharon Hamann have been volunteering for 21 years, and they sure came to our rescue at just the right time!

Here you see Darwin in the bucket going up to attach our new yard light to the pole here at Mission Central, so light can shine when we have large crowds during the night appointments.  What a blessing to have these folks come at just the right time….LET THE LIGHT SHINE NOW IN THE DARKNESS!