2020 Cecil Mission Update
Mission Central
Happy New Year and many thanks to our prayerful supporters for your generous financial gifts that has delivered the Good News in Christ over the past 2 years. We also want to let you know that we have completed our field portion of our mission service contract and have returned to the States. We are still with LCMS for the next two months as we transition to new opportunities and maintain contact with you, our faithful friends in mission.
We ask that you please continue any pledges that support us through at least March or longer if possible. Our last funding statement showed us not fully funded. There will be further expenses as we transition off the mission field. Your prayers and financial support have enabled us to participate in 44 baptisms over the past two years along with weekly Bible studies. We have witnessed the faith growth of many refugee friends from Iran & Afghanistan and cannot express the abundant blessings of love & hospitality from our German hosts as well. We trust in God’s continued care and look forward to staying connected.
Please keep us in prayer as we transition off the international field to new opportunities to love & serve our neighbors. Gott sei Dank or thanks be to God!
Viele Grüße,
Carl & Karen
Carl & Karen Cecil
LCMS Missionaries
+1-703-585-9651 (WhatsApp)
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