2019 Cecil Mission Update #29
Lieber Pastor Brent Smith
Fröliche Weihnachten aus Dresden!
We are so happy to share that the Weihnachtenfeier (Christmas event) was a wonderful, Christ centered celebration. It contrasted from the scenes of the many Christmas markets that will soon fade away with a “living light” of Jesus Christ that shines eternally. We thank you for serving this mission with us and a joyous Holy season to all!
Many have responded to our funding request. We are still not quite to our goal: Please consider donating $100 or more to our Mission ASAP. Please use www.LCMS.org/GiveNow/CECIL or mail check directly to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Check Memo: CECIL in Germany). Thank you for your generous consideration for this year-end gift.
Enjoy our newsletter and share with your family and friends.
Gott segne dich, God bless you this Holy Season.
Dein Bruder und deine Schwester in Christus!
Carl & Karen
Carl & Karen Cecil
+0-703-585-9651 (WhatsApp)
German Handy 049-176-7312-6284
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