
2019 Cecil Mission Update #28

Lieber Pastor Brent Smith

Mission Central


Fröliche Weihnachten aus Dresden!

Advent is here!  Thank you responding to our request for Christmas cards and Christmas party support.  Our Weihnachtsfeier (Christmas Party) is on 8 December.  The plans are coming together very nicely.  Thank you.  

Many have responded to our funding request.  We are not quite to our goal:  Please consider donating $100 to our Mission ASAP.  Please use or mail check to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Check Memo: CECIL in Germany).  Thank you for your generous consideration for this year-end gift.

Enjoy our newsletter and share with your family and friends. 

Gott segne dich, God bless you!

Dein Bruder und deine Schwester in Christus!

Carl & Karen

Carl & Karen Cecil

+0-703-585-9651 (WhatsApp)

German Handy 049-176-7312-6284


Support Our Mission with 2019 Tax Deductible Contribution…

If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, simply reply back with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject.  Thank you



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