
2019 Cecil Germany Mission Update #20

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Lieber/Liebe Mission Central


Frühling (Spring) Greetings!

With the newness of Spring comes the preparation for the most important season of our faith.  It is especially a time of Lenten repentance as we receive God’s great mercies in Christ alone.  Together with our friends from Iran, Afghanistan and Germany we share the Easter message of saving love from the walls of the church to the nonstop challenges of refugee life.  

Consider joining our refugee mission for 2019.  We are so thankful that you journey with us in prayer and support!   We can never thank you enough for your prayers, your encouragement and financial support.

Please read and share this Easter edition of what a first generation of faith looks like.

Vielen Grüße,


Carl & Karen

Carl & Karen Cecil

+0-703-585-9651 (WhatsApp)

German Handy 049-176-7312-6284


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