
20 seminary students come to Mission Central for two days of training


Yes, January 11th and 12th were special days at the Lord’s Mission Central.  A wonderful group of 2 professors and 16 students came from the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, and with Rev. Brent Smith and Old Missionary Gary a group of 20 came together for two intensive days of Missionary Training!

Here you see in this grouping of pictures Old Missionary Gary welcoming the students as they line up in front of the barn at the Lord’s Mission Central!  The action began with an amazing race, in which the Honorable Frederic Stuilmant, and exchange student from Germany was the fastest runner, and what a JOY to have a picture of Old Missionary Gary and this amazing young student who wants to become a pastor in France.

You will see the students being fed by our Volunteer Cooks for both days, and all the students found out that in the country we have 3 meals a day…BREAKFAST, DINNER AND SUPPER!

Pastor Brent Smith presented as you can see from the picture, and then the students had the privilege of seeing the Lord’s Creation Theater and the Barn Museum.  In the picture in the Ministry Center, all the students and professors received a special walnut cross, and Gospel Booklets to be distributed to people who don’t know Jesus.  Also, the students received a special hand cross and a devotional book written by Rev. David Schneider, a former missionary.

It was indeed a special two days, and we know that the students will never, never, never forget their time at this place that only God could have provided!