What a special Friday afternoon at the world famous Mission Central! We were so blessed to welcome special friends for a full tour of the facilities at this MIRACLE PLACE. What a JOY to welcome Jeff Allen and his dear wife Laura all the way from Oklahoma and also long, long time friends from Danbury, Iowa….Dean and Vae Uhl. The interesting thing is that that they have family connections in the area, Laura is the daughter of Ronald Streck who was a school mate of Missionary Gary and Laura’s grandfather and grandmother were Leo and Edith Streck, who lived neighbors to Missionary Gary, when he grew up. What a small world.
Dean and Vae are good friends who live close to Mission Central, and they are relatives of the Allens, and upon arrival at the Uhl home, they immediately drove to Mission Central to make sure that the Allens were able to enjoy a tour of Mission Central. Old Missionary Gary will long remember their tour and time together….I could tell immediately that these dear folks were NOT NORMAL…and what a JOY to have them as special friends in Christ!
Here you see Jeff and Laura on the left of our Boss, and Dean and Vae on the right. Dean and Vae are real missionaries in that they brought the Allen Family here. It was a very, very special time for all of us! A time we won’t forget!