
Wrucke_Czech Republic_Sep2020.pdf

September 2020

Serving the Lord in the Czech Republic
News from Missionary Cindy Zirbel Wrucke


American LCMS volunteers help tutor Eurasia church workers in English.

Unexpected Blessings

We all know that life changed when COVID appeared, including travel restrictions, quarantines and facemasks. How we work also changed, but God continues to bless our mission work in exciting new ways.

Part of my work in Prague includes helping church leaders improve their English skills so that they can connect better with other confessional Lutherans in Eurasia. This is more challenging than you might think—students are over 40 years old and didn’t learn English in a traditional classroom.  Their English proficiency varies greatly, which makes it difficult to teach everyone in the same class. Yet, it is impractical to tutor individually because they work full-time with limited time off.

When I heard that short-term mission teams couldn’t serve abroad this year but could help online, I wanted to find out more. I attended a few Zoom meetings with Anne Gonzalez, DCE, manager of short-term mission training & engagement, who pilot tested a program for virtual English tutors.

Using American volunteers to help teach conversational English is wonderful for my students.  Each week, I host a Zoom meeting with five students, five LCMS volunteers scattered throughout America, and my missionary co-host Rachel Krause, who is awaiting deployment to Germany.  We have a theme or topic and I provide suggested questions for discussion. 

After a short introduction and prayer, students get 40-45 minutes of individual tutoring with their American volunteers in breakout rooms.  Rachel and I stop in each room during this time for extra help. We meet again as a group at the end of the hour and close with Luther’s evening prayer.

Connecting across the Atlantic

Some of the students and tutors have great connections.  For example, our Czech church business manager works with a business professor in New York. An alliance missionary pastor works with a professor at Concordia in Seward, NE. Our Czech deacon with military experience works with a lay deacon in Virginia who is retired from the military.

I am in awe at how God has provided more than we could have imagined by blessing our church workers in Eurasia and helping with their English skills.

This month we thank God for unexpected blessings:

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

Psalm 107:1 (ESV)


Connect with me







Thank you for your prayers & support

Please Pray for:

•   The Czech people to yearn to know Jesus.

•   Safety and protection in my work, as the Czech Republic leads the EU in increased COVID cases and a state of emergency was recently declared.

•   Continued improvement in my arm healing and mobility.

Give thanks for:

•   The American LCMS volunteers who help teach English virtually.

•   Technology that allows us to work together in mission across continents.

•   All of God’s unexpected blessings in our daily life.

Praise God for:

•   Opening doors to share the Good News with Czechs.

To support the LCMS through the work of Cindy Zirbel Wrucke, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or LCMS. Include “Wrucke-Czech Republic Support” in the memo line.

Or, you can make checks payable and send to:

Mission Central
40718 Highway E16
Mapleton, IA  51034-7105

Include “Wrucke-Czech Republic Support” in the memo line. Gifts can also be given securely online through my online giving page at or at 


Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS website at




Copyright © 2020, All rights reserved.

My mailing address is:
Nad Želivkou 475
Prague 6 – Nebušice
164 00 Czech Republic


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