
Wrucke_Czech Republic_Aug 2019

August 2019

Serving the Lord in the Czech Republic
News from Missionary Cindy Zirbel Wrucke

Our Eurasia team of missionaries and their families in Odessa, Ukraine.




Eurasia Regional Meeting in Odessa

Each year, the Eurasia region holds a week-long meeting for missionaries to gather together with their families for a time of church worker care.  For many missionaries, it is the only time they see others in the region face-to-face, especially if they serve in remote parts of the world. This year, all the deployed Eurasia missionaries and their families, as well as our alliance missionary pastors from Romania and the Czech Republic, attended. 

The Eurasia region met in Odessa, Ukraine August 12-16, 2019 for fellowship, education and worship. Rev. Dr. John Bombaro provided outstanding instruction on “Resolute Discipleship.” Rev. Bombaro provided a fascinating explanation of humanitarianism and how it has become a new form of idolatry. 

Some of the questions we wrestle with include how we witness with the saving grace of the Gospel, when our neighbors and society expect churches to provide soup kitchens, homeless shelters and other aid.  How do we continue to focus on Christ as our King, when society has elevated man and “self” to a higher status?

In our part of the world, we work among people in many countries who even take this idea to a higher level, by defining human life in terms of its “quality of life” and potential burden to society.  For example, Iceland has almost eliminated Downs Syndrome from its country through abortion.  Many countries in Europe have already legalized euthanasia, not just for the terminally ill, but also for the mentally ill.

Rev. Bombaro’s excellent teaching provided thoughtful discussions beyond the classroom, at dinner and well into the evenings.  The week ended too soon.

The week with my colleagues was much appreciated, as I prepare for my home service. I will be traveling through many states and cities to meet with you and share more about the mission work in Eurasia.



Today, I am thankful for my conversations with God, who hears and answers prayer:

“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” 

Matthew 6:6 (ESV)

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Thank you for your prayers & support

Please Pray for:

•   The Czech congregation in Prague, without a pastor right now, that God would send a mission-minded leader for this congregation.

•   Those who are homeless and seeking suitable shelter for their families.

•   Safe travels during my home service.

Give thanks for:

•   Native Czechs who have complimented me on my language improvement.

•   Safe travels for all of our missionaries and their families, even with delays, while traveling to and from our regional meeting in Odessa.

•   All of the missionaries in the Eurasia region, who serve with passion for Christ and His Kingdom.

Praise God for:

•   All of those brothers and sisters in Christ who support the work of missionaries throughout the world.




To support the LCMS through the work of Cindy Zirbel Wrucke, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or LCMS. Include “Wrucke-Eurasia Support” in the memo line.

Or, you can make checks payable and send to:

Mission Central
40718 Highway E16
Mapleton, IA  51034-7105

Include “Wrucke-Eurasia Support” in the memo line.

Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS website at

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My mailing address is:
Nad Želivkou 475
Prague 6 – Nebušice
164 00 Czech Republic


Cindy Zirbel Wrucke · Nad Zelivkou 475 · Prague 6 – Nebusice 16400 · Czech Republic

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