We invite you to review our post-summer update below in one of two ways:
– You should be able to view it below within text, though you might have to allow the image to be shown by your web browser.
– You may download a higher quality PDF version, which is also good for printing. (You may also prefer a reduced color PDF version.)
Without the partnership of individuals and congregations like you, we could not be here. Thank you for the ways you make this possible.
The Wasmunds Matt, Dee Dee, Lily and Olivia LCMS missionaries in East Asia
– Here is a link to our updated prayer card. Interested in a convenient way to make a tax-deductible donation? Here is one way to do that.
– We are happy if you wish to print this update for further sharing or if you post it on your church’s social media.
– We are always looking for new colleagues to join us in this ministry. If you or someone you know is interested, please let us know.