Volunteer from Schleswig, Iowa joins Mission Central
We are always AMAZED at how our Lord sends special people at “just the right time” to help with HIS work here at HIS Mission Central.
Recently, when Old Missionary Gary was speaking at Schleswig, Iowa Missionary Cynthia Ernst walked up and handed him a resume, and we were amazed at this lady’s capability and job descriptions. It was indeed another example of God’s DIVINE INTERVENTION.
What a JOY to welcome Cynthia to our Volunteer Staff. She will be entering gifts and helping in our office work, that continues to grow and grow.
With the approaching year end time frame, we are going to need special helpers just like Cyntha.
Here you see this new Missionary in front of our Boss here at the Lord’s Mission Central. What a JOY to have her come for her training and equipping by our Secretary Pam Kovarna.