

The years have gone by so quickly and for the Lord’s Mission Central, we see over the history of this MIRACLE PLACE…that God really does place people in our lives that help us to continue on this journey called “life”.

At the Lord’s Mission Central we work so closely with the Nebraska District, Iowa District West, and the South Dakota District!  Over the last 27 years we have seen how the Lord sends people at “just the right time” to have the privilege of carrying out HIS work to tell people about Jesus!

That certainly is the case as 3 of our dearest and closest friends…that the Lord has placed in the positions of District Presidents of these 3 districts of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Pictured are the 3 District Presidents that we have had the honor and privilege of working with in the last number of years.    President Rev. Richard Snow of the Nebraska District on the left, President Rev. Scott Sailer, President of the South Dakota District in the center, and President Rev. Steve Turner, President of the Iowa District West on the right.

These 3 District Presidents have been one of the reasons we have been able to continue to serve our dear Lord Jesus for these 27 years!  Their kind, loving and friendly attitude have been such an encouragement to us, and their sense of humor helps to keep a smile on our face!  These men are truly NOT NORMAL!  And, that’s the only kind of people we want to work with here at this MIRACLE PLACE!  All three of these dear friends have been here to visit and what a blessing and JOY to know them!