Three Missionaries come to visit Mission Central
It was truly a very, very, very special day! Yes, on April 7th, 2018 we were able to welcome 3 missionaries and to “commission” them, and to pray for them.
We were blessed to have 8 pastors present to come forward and pray for these dear missionaries! In our humble barn here at Mission Central, the Lord called 210 special NOT NORMAL people to pray for and send these missionaries.
Rev. John Fale, Executive Director of the Office of International Missions in St. Louis came as did our new missionary heading to the Dominican Republic, Erin Mackenzie and also Josh Lange our special Asian Missionary also. Here you see each of these individuals, and also the 8 dear pastors that cared enough to come on a Saturday to pray for and send these people into lands of darkness.
Here you see these MISSIONARIES in our office and also as they were prayed for and SENT in the MIRACLE BARN at the Lord’s Mission Central.