
Thews (Taiwan) Update – April & May2024

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News from Missionary
Mindy Thews
Serving the Lord in Taiwan

2024 April-May Newsletter
Thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement!
Mindy Thews 
Lutheran Education Coordinator
Asia Region – Chiayi City, Taiwan

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (ESV)

我 們 曉 得 萬 事 都 互 相 效 力 , 叫 愛 神 的 人 得 益 處 ,
就 是 按 他 旨 意 被 召 的 人 。羅 馬 書 8:28

“So, are you still teaching?”

Since stepping out of the classroom last year, I’m often asked, “So, are you still teaching?” Am I ever! In the mission field, there’s no shortage of teaching opportunities. God has blessed me with several classes to share the Gospel, build relationships, and enjoy being with kids.

On Sunday mornings, you’ll find me at Salvation Lutheran Church in Chiayi City leading a small group of students, ages 6-13, through Luther’s Small Catechism. Yes, it’s a big age range, and engaging the whole group is challenging. Using the catechism as my guide, I’ve created foldables, booklets, skits, timelines, and games to instruct and encourage participation in the content. Not every idea has been a home run, but the Holy Spirit continues to work through them, strengthening the faith of these kids!

Wednesday afternoons keep my classroom skills sharp. I volunteer with a community class for low-income students at a public elementary school in Chiayi City. I’m leading the English class while Becky Bartelt, Sacred Music Educator for the Asia region, teaches music with hand chimes. My group is small, just 10 students from 2nd – 6th grade. We play a lot of competitive games to review numbers, colors, body parts, and simple sentence patterns. Our connection to the group will continue this summer at the English Bible Camp in Chiayi City. The kids will join us as we share the Gospel with English and Bible lessons, songs, games, crafts, and activities. Thanks be to God!

Friday Night Bible Study at Salvation Church has been on my calendar since I started serving in Taiwan. Joining forces with two other teachers, we rotate responsibilities to lead the junior high/teen class. It’s a joyful end to the work week, especially when some of our former students, now college-age, return to attend the adult Bible study with their parents during school breaks. In short, yes, I’m still teaching! Please join me in praying for the Holy Spirit to work saving faith in the students and those around us.

Sunday school lessons include games and activities. 

Blindfolded Maze - Join Water and the Word

I’m gaining valuable experience creating materials for younger students and learning along with the kids.

Building relationships while teaching a community English class.

April Highlights

Magnitude 7.4 Earthquake

On April 3, Taiwan experienced a 7.4 magnitude earthquake, the strongest since 1999. The Taiwan-based Asia missionaries were all safe, suffering minor damage in our homes and the surrounding areas. Thanks be to God for His safety during this significant earthquake.

May Highlights

Katherine and Kent play a card game.

Katherine visits Friday Night Bible Study.

Katherine, a college student from Illinois, joined our Asia team in May as our second “Shadow a Missionary” participant in Taiwan. In addition to studying education, Katherine has obtained certification to teach English as a second language. While she spent most of her time observing LCMS missionaries Andrew and Noel Schaff at Concordia Middle School, she tagged along with me to my Wednesday community class and enjoyed a card game with student Kent. Later in the week, she joined the junior high/teens class at Friday Night Bible Study. It was great to share the mission field with Katherine!

Taiwan English Bible Camp – July 2024

Five U.S. volunteers are joining us as leaders for
English Bible Camp in Taiwan! 
Please pray for students attending the camp.
Pray for ears and hearts open to the Gospel. 

Mindy’s Upcoming Events:
Czech Republic – Engish Bible Camp visit – July 1-10
Taiwan – English Bible Camp in Hsinchu with US Volunteers – July 15-19
Philippines – Deaconess Seminar – July 29-August 2
Taiwan – English Bible Camp in Chiayi City – August 5-9

Do you have a heart for service?

Interested in serving in the mission field? Find current opportunities and download an application at
Click on “Service Opportunities.”

Learn more about the “Shadow a Missionary” program.

Mindy’s Address at the
Asia Regional Headquarters

(The English address works great!)

Please Pray For:

  • Peaceful China/Taiwan relations
  • Taiwan’s English Bible Camp preparations and the U.S. volunteers joining us in July
  • Safe travels as Mindy crisscrosses countries this summer

Give Thanks For: 

  • Bilingual Sunday school classes at Salvation Lutheran Church
  • Community classes with our Chiayi City public school students
  • Another successful “Shadow a Missionary” visit

Financial Partnership

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Make checks payable to:
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central 
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034

Please make checks payable to The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, or “LCMS”. On the memo line, include:  Thews/Taiwan 

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Missionary Mindy Thews · 5135 Coventry Ct · Davenport, IA 52807-3858 · USA