The Not Normal Barelman family comes to Mission Central
What kind of a family would come to the World Famous Mission Central on Veterans Day. It’s a day off..and the children don’t have school, and it would be a day of rest and just “taking it easy”. Who would drive from the Omaha area to bring their family together at a place in the middle of nowhere with an old set of farm buildings, on a winter day with icy roads, snow everywhere, and so clod that the temperature is nearly below zero? WHO…?? People who are NOT NORMAL! Normal people would stay home where it’s warm, and to drive nearly 2 hours?
Well, let us introduce you to this NOT NORMAL couple by the name of Herb and Judy Barelman from Papillion, Nebraska. Herb has known Old Missionary Gary for more than 45 years, when they both taught Sunday School at St. Paul Lutheran Church at Ute, Iowa! The years have passed, but their friendship remained all those years. Herb married Judy, and the rest is history. God blessed them with 4 wonderful children…Jane, Joy, Jill, and Jeff.
On the 11th of November Herb and Judy pictured next to our Boss in Gary’s office, brought JOY, and her family, husband John, and children Caleb and Christen, who are pictured also. They also brought the world Famous Jane, and her wonderful son, Adam, pictured next to our Boss.
This group of really NOT NORMAL people, enjoyed a tour of the entire facilities, office, the Lord’s Creation Theater, the Barn Museum, the Ministry Center, and finally a final prayer down in the little Wayside Prayer Chapel. What a blessing to have the privilege and honor to have a final prayer together in the Chapel! It was truly a day that Old Missionary Gary will never, never forget!