
The Miracle Frerkings arrive from Robins, Iowa

What a JOY and blessing to welcome Missionaries Marvin and Shirley Frerking from Robins, Iowa at the world famous The Lord’s Mission Central!  These dear friends have been very, very special friends for many years and have been so supportive of the Lord’s work in helping missionaries over the years.

These dear friends came with a very, very wonderful gift for our work here at this MIRACLE PLACE!  Yes, this gift was not in the form of dollars and cents, but something so EXCITING!  Marvin Frerking is an amazing scholar and extremely gifted author.  He has authored four books, and he and his wife Shirley made the trip here to present us with a supply of his latest book entitled “Wonderfully Created”.

God called Marvin to write this book, to once again AWAKEN people to the fact that the words of Genesis 1:1 are still so true and correct that God did create the world in 6 days!  It’s an amazing commentary that every family and individual should read.  True facts that once again prove that the BIBLE IS TRULY GOD’S WORD AND TRUTHFUL IN EVERY WAY!

You can access this book by going to AMAZON and you can order  this volume on line.  It’s a blessing, and so truthful, with facts that confirm scripture.  This volume will be a special gift of love, and contains 292 pages of TRUTH in this dark world.

This dear couple came to see the Lord’s Creation Theater, and Mr. Frerking made this quote…”Missionary Gary, the Lord’s Creation Theater here at the Lord’s Mission Central is very, very special and does the BEST JOB of telling people the real story of creation more than any I’ve seen in the United States!”

The Lord’s sends just the right people at just the right time, even authors who love the Lord Jesus with their whole heart!  Here you see this dear couple, and the cover of their new exciting work of love.