What a JOY to welcome the adults and students from St. John Lutheran Church at Cypress, Texas, as their bus rolled into the world famous Mission Central parking lot. Yes, it was a long trip, but the folks won’t forget their stop at this MIRACLE PLACE!
We were so blessed to have Missionaries Kate Phillips and Chelsea Irwin here as they are making their plans to head to the mission fields of the Dominican Republic and the Czech Republic.
It was such a special day, and here you see these two young missionaries in front of our Mission Central sign, and the entire busload from Texas was able to pray for these missionaries and send them off with God’s special blessing! The entire group wanted to do a special song for the missionaries, and what a JOY to hear their benediction for these dear missionaries.
Also, the group enjoyed the Creation Theater, as you can see them gathered together. It was a special day that they will never forget.