St-Onge_Latin America_Jan2020
LCMS Missions, thanks for your support!
The St-Onges In the Way: January 2020
The first St-Onge In the Way newsletter of the new decade is here! View the newsletter and a gallery of pictures online at Ascension is getting ready for our new deaconess intern to help with our international outreach: we continue to receive new visitors almost every week. So much to do, so little time! Especially with earthquakes wracking my southern fields of service. Read all about it.
A New Website
Everything changes. Our old Ascension Lutheran Church website finally became too unwieldy for our cheap webserver plan, so I finally had to scrap it and design a new one. Check out the new website for our mission in Montreal, put together and launched yesterday. Thanks to Jess Rosenwinkel for the great work on our logo.
Support By Mail
Make checks to "LCMS," memo "St-Onge Family Support," and mail to:
Mission Central 40718 Highway E16 Mapleton, IA 51034
A New Podcast
As part of the revamp of our church website, I’ve also reformatted the podcast of my sermons. You can now find me on Spotify, iTunes and other services as "In the Way with Charles St-Onge." Subscribe and listen to sermons in English from Montreal or wherever I am on the previous Sunday. No fancy music. Just the Good News of Jesus.

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