
St-Onge Newsletter May 2020

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The St-Onges In the Way: May 2020

A new way of ministry and mission continues in Quebec and across the Caribbean. We are reaching out through Facebook, Google, and YouTube in podcasts, videos and written devotions. This month’s work also included a virtual VBS in Hong Kong, developing plans for small communion services in Montreal, helping with a worker’s visa, moving a sign project forward, preparing for hurricane season and another virtual FORO for Jamaica. Read more in our downloadable newsletter, or visit our newsletter post online. 

You can hear Deb, Charles and the girls singing hymns for our services in Montreal and watch our services on our new YouTube channel, Ascension Montreal. As the young people would say, “Don’t forget to subscribe!” 

To keep the spirits of our Latin America and the Caribbean team up, we’ve had several “spirit week” activities. One involved recreating famous paintings and sharing them via WhatsApp. See Sophia’s entry above. If you can guess the name of the picture, write back with the answer for a chance of winning a Montreal momento! 

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40718 Highway E16
Mapleton, IA 51034

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