The St-Onges In the Way: April 2020
One of the wonders that the Lord has built into us is the ability to adapt to new circumstances. Knowing that our Lord holds us in the palm of his hand allow us to adapt even more quickly while others struggle.
It was a different Easter. Not bad or good, but absolutely different. We had worship every evening during Holy Week and had dozens attending every service – something that would not have worked at physical location with the heavy traffic in Montreal. We had an Easter vigil service with people from around the world attending and participating – again, something that could not have happened (cheaply) in person. Read more in our downloadable newsletter, or visit our newsletter post online.
If you’re looking for some short devotions to lift your spirits during COVID-19, check out my “Mid-Week with Christ” podcast. You might especially enjoy Good Friday’s episode, The Joy of Trials.