
Special guests come from LeMars and Sioux Center

What a blessing to welcome two very special friends, Jay Faber from LeMars, Iowa and Joan Schreier from Sioux Center, Iowa who came for a special visit at Mission Central.

Both of these folks are members at Grace Lutheran Church at LeMars, Iowa and they wanted to come for a special visit and tour of this MIRACLE PLACE! It was a delight to have them come and talk about what the Lord is doing here at Mission Central. They enjoyed the tour of the Barn Museum, Ministry Center and the Lord’s Creation Theater, as well as a special prayer in our little prayer Chapel.

They both work for a wonderful company called Nonprofit Donor Pros., and they specialize in helping people with charitable estate planning. These dear friends can truly be a blessing for families and individuals that want to tell people about Jesus as a part of their estate planning!