Friends in Christ,
Hello from Moshi, Tanzania! I hope you are having a good Fall season. I always loved the change of the season– the crunchy leaves, wearing a scarf, and enjoying all the pumpkin-flavored treats! Here in Tanzania it is rainy season, so the temperature is lower than normal; however, certainly not low enough to warrant a scarf! I appreciate the break from the heat, though it does bring an unbelievable amount of mud with it!
September and October have been filled with many great things, including the official start of the Community Health Evangelism program in Kahe, Tanzania. Click on my newsletter link below to learn more.
Pastors, secretaries, and LWML leaders receiving this email, if you would be willing to print off the PDF newsletter and share with members, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
Joyful in Jesus,
Sarah Kanoy RN, BSN LCMS Missionary to East Africa |