
Rev. Greg Shaffer and family comes to Mission Central


What a blessing to welcome Rev. Shaffer and his entire family to Mission Central on July 19th, 2018.  Yes, all the way from St. Peter Lutheran Church at Davenport, Nebraska…this dear pastor and his entire family came to see what God can do in the middle of nowhere in the hills of western Iowa.

Old Missionary Gary on June 24th, 2018 had the privilege of seeing in a special service the ORDINATION into the office of the Holy Ministry, of Pastor Greg Schaffer at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Tilden, Nebraska.

What a blessing and JOY to have special servants of the Lord Jesus like Pastor Greg Schaffer…and HIS FAMILY come to see this MIRACLE PLACE….

Here you see Pastor Schaffer and his entire family…it was indeed a very, very special day!!!