
Rensner (Czech Republic) – Update May 2022

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Rensner On The Run

                                                  May 2022 Update 

Dear Friends,

Greetings from the Czech Republic!

It is hard to believe that it is almost summertime. The schools I teach at do not get out until the first week in July, so students here still have a while to go until the end of the semester.

Summertime can be a season of transition for a lot of people as semesters wind down and summertime plans and activities are set in motion. Whether this is a season of transition for you or a typical summer full of usual excitement and activities, I pray you find time in the coming season to reflect on the goodness of God and on the ways He has guided you thus far in your life. Praise be to God that though seasons change, our Father never does (James 1:17).

Click the blue button below to see what I have been up to this month.
Thank you for reading and following along! 

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