
Puerto Rico FORO: December 2019 Update

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December 2019 Update

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Lettering Workshop

This month Lizz Warren, one of our missionaries in the Dominican Republic, came to Puerto Rico to lead a lettering workshop (see picture above). Lizz used her talents to teach others how to bring Scripture to life on the page.

These workshops are one of the many ways we are reaching out into the communities in Mayaguez and Ponce with the healing Word of God. As people continue to struggle with the economic aftermath of Hurricane Maria, these opportunities to come together and do something constructive around the Gospel are an important part of the healing process. We thank our missionaries on the ground, and Lizz, for this particular workshop.

Ponce Sanctuary 

After half a month of hard work and volunteer labor, much of it contributed by the members of Fuente de Vida, worship services began at the new Ponce disaster response and church centre (see picture below). Missionary pastor James Neuendorf worked hard to realize a beautiful space in which people can come to hear God’s Word and receive his gifts in the sacraments. This was a great Christmas gift for the people God is calling together in Christ in Ponce!

Much work remains to be done, but this beginning has generated lots of conversation and evangelism opportunities in the neighborhood. We look forward to the official dedication in March at our FORO meeting.

Spring Meeting
March 13-15, 2020
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Fall Meeting
October 8-9, 2020
Orlando, Florida

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Iglesia Luterana Príncipe de Paz
Buzón 409 Bo. Rio Hondo
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00680

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