
Our staff workers are such a blessing!

Many people seem to think that here at Mission Central things have kind of “quieted down”….however, that is NOT THE CASE!
Our dear special office staff, Pam Kovarna and Sonya Sexton are working every day with so much to do and so little time to get everything done.
Yes, in these days we are so filled with so much to do, with a record number of e-mails each day, and HUNDREDS OF PHONE CALLS, asking for prayer on the telephone.
Today, here at the Lord’s Mission Central, our staff had a very, very HUGE assignment.  God sent over a hundred notifications of individuals that had chosen that their THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS should come to Mission Central to support our most needy missionary families.  The total for this months THIRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS was a whopping $17,130.00!!!! What blessing for our missionaries!
Here you see Pam and Sonya with their happy smiles helping to send out nearly a hundred personal letters thanking each one of our families for designating their THRIVENT CHOICE gifts for our dear missionaries, so that there will be more people in our real home, when we are with our RISEN SAVIOR JESUS!  What a great way to celebrate Maundy Thursday!
Always so much going on at this MIRACLE PLACE!