Only Not Normal people would work on New Year’s Eve!
Over the years we have seen that God truly called special people to have the privilege of being a part of HIS work here at HIS Mission Central! These special people are NOT like people of this world….they think differently, they act differently, and they WORK differently! They are “in the world, but not of the world”.
Who would be willing to work like a bunch of slaves on the 31st of December and be willing to not even stop for lunch, but just keep working until the work is completed for the day?
Well, here at the Lord’s Mission Central, we have the privilege of working with NOT NORMAL people that realize that the only thing really important in this life is telling more and more people about Jesus before HE returns, and that we MUST send the missionaries and keep them telling people in darkness about our dear Savior.
Take a look at the group of NOT NORMAL people who were willing to come and work up the hundreds and hundreds of letters and gifts that arrived on the 31st of December! Our number one NOT NORMAL person, Veteran Missionary of 18 years of service here at the Lord’s Mission Central, Dr. Pam Kovarna, worked until about 6:30PM to get things closed up for the year!
What an AMAZING group of workers for the Lord Jesus!