
Not Normal Magness family comes to Mission Central


Here we go again! Another story of NOT NORMAL people that the Lord sends to visit HIS Mission Central!

Yes, at about Mid-Night on the 14th of November this NOT NORMAL couple drove all the way from St. Louis and arrived about mid-night! Who would do that type of driving? Yes, the Lord sent Phillip and Cheryl Magness to come to this MIRACLE PLACE!!!

What a JOY to have breakfast for them this morning, and have a special “training session”. Together, once again, we cried together to see what God can do in providing the support that this dear couple needed so desperately! The Lord Jesus provided the right people at the right place at just the right time. It’s truly MIRACLE STUFF…when you see checks arrive when they are NEEDED SO DESPATELY! Now, we have the funding needed to send this dear Missionary to West Africa to use the skills that God has given to him. We are to praise the Lord with our whole heart, and Phillip speaks the language of the people there in West Africa and his gift of music will help them to understand the wonderful message of our dear Lord Jesus.

It was indeed a very special day and we had a wonderful couple from May City, Iowa that came and experienced the tour and were able to see how the Lord has used their family AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME.

Here you see our new missionaries Phillip and Cheryl Magness in front of our Boss here at the World Famous Mission Central.