Some folks ask us “how can you keep on going and going day after day”? Well the answer to that is really, really simple. It’s because God calls special NOT NORMAL people to come to this MIRACLE PLACE….at “just the right time”
It was such an encouragement to welcome missionaries John and Judy Matthies to Mission Central on March 20th, 2021. Who but, NOT NORMAL people like John and Judy would drive two and half hours to the hills of Western Iowa to an old set of farm buildings?
What a real JOY to spend a number of hours with these special friends, who have been members of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in West Des Moines, Iowa.
Without the Lord putting friends like this in our path, we couldn’t have kept on all these 27 years! Here you see these special friends with our Boss in the background. He is always with us here and HE certainly blessed our day and time together. What a JOY to have a prayer in the wayside prayer chapel before they headed back to Des Moines. A day we won’t forget!