
Nebraska District South LWML President visits Mission Central


The Honorable President of the Nebraska District South LWML, Katie Gifford came to personally deliver their gift of love in the amount of $5,000.00 for the support of our newest Missionary going to teach at Concordia Middle School in Taiwan, Missionary Hannah Shull.  What a blessing it was to receive this gift of love at “just the right time”.

God works in such amazing ways!  We MUST get the funding together to send this new missionary, as she MUST be at the school to start the new year and HAS to be there by the end of August!  This gift was another example of God’s DIVINE INTERVENTION.  This gift couldn’t have come at a better time!

Here you see President Gifford delivering the gift of love for Hannah in the office at Mission Central to Old Missionary Gary.  What a JOY and blessing this will be to provide this gift for Missionary Hanna Shull when she arrives on the evening of July 10th, 2018.  She will be presenting to a large crowd on July 11th.