Dear friends and family,
We wanted to share a resource that might interest you.
Missions Unpacked is a joint project spearheaded by our colleagues in St. Louis that opens a window into the overseas mission world of the LCMS. Each region (Latin America and the Caribbean, Eurasia, Africa, and Asia) will be highlighted over the course of the coming weeks.
We invite you to go to the home page to check out the materials produced by our missionary friends serving around the world.
Videos and resources for the first session are already available. Information specific to Asia will be uploaded starting February 8. We hope you enjoy!
Peace in Christ to you,
The Wasmunds
Matt, Dee Dee, Lily and Olivia
LCMS missionaries in East Asia
– Buttons with links to our prayer card and our online, tax-deductible giving pages through the LCMS website or through Mission Central are below.
– The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is pleased to be a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity, and a Guidestar Exchange Platinum Level Charity.