
Miata (Puerto Rico) Update – September & October 2024

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Jesus said to him, “I am the wayand the truthand the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Greetings in Christ,

Thank you for helping us share about Jesus in Puerto Rico. Thank you for your prayers. Please let us know we can pray for you!
This Sept./Oct. newsletter is coming out late, but I hope to get another newsletter out before the end of this month. There is so much going on.
There’s a correction to last month’s newsletter: Rut Esther was a Lutheran school student who lived next to the church when I met her in 2010. Now she is a Sunday school teacher and is an administrator (not a teacher) in the Lutheran School. We thank God for her role in these vocations.

Thank you again for our partnership in the Gospel.
In Him,

Pastor Gustavo, Ruth, Mikhaela, Isaiah and Ivanna Maita



Like all mission work, Ruth’s service is funded by voluntary sacrificial donations to the LCMS, given by God’s “not normal” disciples – like you! Thank you for your prayers and interest. Contact us at Mission Central if you would like to learn more.

Our mailing address is:
E103 Villa Real, Cabo Rojo, PR 00623