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Meet the Woods
Matthew, Kali, Laurel, Eleanor, and Caroline serve in Medan, Indonesia with LCMS International. Matthew supports The Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI), by mentoring pastors, providing continuing education, and overseeing translation projects.
Visas Have Arrived
About a week ago we finally received our visas to Indonesia. Praise God! As you know this has been a long and frustrating journey to get to this point, but finally they are here. We have a flight to Indonesia booked for April 1. Open the Newsletter to see what comes next!
And… We’re Pregnant
Many of you have already heard the news that Kali is pregnant, which is absolutely a blessing from God. It does, however, present complications with our journey to Indonesia. Read the newsletter to find out more.
Support this Ministry!
With this encouraging news you can be confident that your support will make a significant impact on this ministry! Please consider sending in a special to help offset the costs of moving back to Indonesia. Let’s face it, moving a whole family across the world is not cheap. The costs of air fare, quarantine, luggage, and visas all add up. The ministry is worth the cost, the effort, and it’s worth your support. Your partnership will impact eternity!
click here to send a contribution online
Download the presentation issue of the S.E.A. Side. Inside you will find brief stories from God’s work among the Gereja Kristen Luther Indonesia (The Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church-GKLI), Indonesian Fast Facts, an explanation of our listen-mentor-teach-translate approach, a bit about the Indonesian hymnal project, and a brief explanation of how this ministry is funded. Still have questions? To ask email matthew.wood@lcms.org.
God Bless! |
New Phone Number: (952) 491-0762.
My old 314 area code number is no longer active.
- Thanksgiving and continued health for Kali’s pregnancy
- Thanksgiving for finally receiving visas.
- Prayers for coordinating travel to Indonesia (covid-19 tests, packing, 40 hours of travel).
- Supplication for God’s blessing upon the new GKLI leadership.
theseaside.asia has been updated! Pictures, updates, and family info have all been added. Check it out and stay up to date with what is happening!
Acrchives of the S.E.A.side are available. Visit Now! |